
Katherine Zappone TD, Minister for Children and Youth Affairs has announced extra funding of over €94m for Tusla, childcare and youth services, bringing the total investment by her Department to €1.6 billion for 2020 from €1.1 billion in 2016.

The Minister for Justice and Equality, Charlie Flanagan TD has welcomed the €2.98 billion budgetary allocation for the justice sector in 2020. The €190 million increase on Budget 2019 includes funding for:

Against the background of Brexit uncertainly and the overarching requirement for a prudent budget in 2020, expenditure next year will amount to...

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed T.D, today (Tuesday) announced details of his Department’s 2020 Budget.

Discussions on EU Action against Corruption, Fundamental Rights, Tackling On-line Hate Speech, Combatting the Sexual Abuse of Children and Migration

Minister Regina Doherty, T.D., has announced a social welfare package of €21.2 billion for 2020 which includes €171.2 million in additional social welfare expenditure that specifically targets those most in need. Over 200,000 older people and people with a disability living alone will receive increased payments...

Carbon Tax ring-fenced to deliver climate action and protect most vulnerable. Climate Action Plan rollout funded, Just Transition Commissioner announced.

Minister Paul Kehoe today welcomed the significant allocation of over one billion Euro in Defence Sector funding for 2020. This represents an increase of €32.3 million over the 2019 allocation and will allow Defence to continue to deliver on the commitments in the White Paper.

Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation to have immediate access to €110 million of the Brexit contingency fund in a No Deal scenario

