
Taskforce on Staffing and Skill Mix for Nursing achieves positive patient outcomes and a better work environment

Ireland has been formally granted a ‘derogation’ under the Nitrates Directive following the receipt of legal approval from the EU Commission.

Minister Creed, announced the results of the second Open Call competitive process to proceed to Round 2 of the European Innovation Partnerships Initiative.

The appeal had been lodged by the State on the advice of the Attorney General and other Departments and state agencies.

The core strategy for addressing areas at potentially significant risk from flooding is the Office of Public Works Catchment Flood Risk Assessment and Management Programme.

Minister of State Catherine Byrne, launched new voluntary Codes of Practice for the advertising and marketing of food and non-alcoholic drinks.

Over half of supported start-ups based in regions outside Dublin. Minister Humphreys stresses crucial role of indigenous business and the regional economy.

I welcome the opportunity to update the House on the Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes (and certain Matters.)

Minister Simon Harris announced that Ireland is to open negotiations with Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Austria on drug pricing and supply.

