
The Health Protection Surveillance Centre has today been notified of 1,861 confirmed cases of COVID-19...

The Health Protection Surveillance Centre has today been notified of 1,818* confirmed cases of COVID-19...

Minister Charlie McConalogue has announced that he is extending the public consultation on the draft interventions proposed for the 2023-2027 CAP Strategic Plan...

Minister Catherine Martin today announced the addition of six new members to the Culture Ireland Expert Advisory Committee...

This week, the Department of Social Protection issued weekly payments valued at €45.4 million to 153,309 people in receipt of the Pandemic Unemployment Payment

Minister James Browne, TD represented Ireland at a roundtable of EU Home Affairs Ministers to discuss the ongoing situation in relation to the irregular flow of migration into Lithuania, Latvia and Poland...

The Minister for Overseas Development Aid and Diaspora, Colm Brophy TD, has announced €500,000 in funding to respond to last Saturday’s earthquake in Haiti...

New milestone law will see CEA crack down on larger scale and more complex breaches of company law...

Minister Malcolm Noonan has announced the establishment of a €2.2 million archaeological research programme...

Minister Catherine Martin TD today published the second Progress Report on the Implementation of the Audiovisual Action Plan...

