
Minister Brophy today committed to deepening Irish Aid’s partnership with UN Women...

Minister McConalogue has today announced the opening of public consultation on the development of a new agri-environment results-based pilot project...

Statement by Minister Ryan on the EPA/SEAI report on Greenhouse Gas Emissions...

Minister Harris has today (29 January 2021) announced an increase in the value of the Irish Research Council’s research scholarships and fellowships...

The Department of Foreign Affairs is launching its fourth global St Brigid’s Day events programme, which celebrates the creativity and talent of Irish women...

At its meeting earlier this week, the Government agreed to nominate for re-appointment Judge Eugene Regan as a judge of the Court of Justice of the EU...

The Health Protection Surveillance Centre has today been notified of 47 additional deaths related to COVID-19...

Speech by An Taoiseach at IFA AGM...

Dáil Statements on the Department response to COVID-19...

