
The Health Protection Surveillance Centre has today been notified of 7 additional deaths related to COVID-19.

The Government has announced that all of Ireland will, from 1st December, be placed at Level 3 of the Plan for Living with COVID-19.

The Government has today agreed the approach for easing restrictions, including a phased move to Level 3 nationally, with a number of exceptions in place for the Christmas period...

On Ireland placed on Level 3 of the Plan for Living with Covid-19 with special measures for a safe Christmas...

The Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee, TD met today with the Northern Ireland Justice Minister, Naomi Long, MLA to discuss North-South co-operation across the range of criminal justice matters under the Intergovernmental Agreement on Co-operation on Criminal Justice Matters...

Statement from the National Public Health Emergency Team...

The Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Leo Varadkar TD has signed into law new regulations and a Code of Practice to protect workers exposed to Covid-19 in the workplace...

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue T.D, today attended a virtual meeting with EU Chief Negotiator Michel Barnier in relation to the current state of play in the negotiations on a fisheries agreement with the UK...

Minister of State Noonan, Minister Martin and Minister of State Chambers collaborate to announce additional supports for Irish language restoration works on traditional shopfronts...

