
Residential waste collection firms actively monitored by the Price Monitoring Group revealed an increase in the rate of price adjustments in November compared to October...

Minister Charlie Flanagan, T.D., has today laid the 2018 Annual Report of An Garda Síochána before the Houses of the Oireachtas. The Minister noted that this is the first annual report of Garda Commissioner Drew Harris since his appointment.

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed T.D., today confirmed the continuation of the supports from his Department for the early removal of PI (persistently infected) calves under the national Bovine Viral Disease (BVD) Eradication Programme...

Mr Michael Ring TD, the Minister for Rural and Community Development, today (Friday, 20 December 2019) officially opened the Ennistymon Digital Hub and Multi Service Centre, which was funded under the Government’s Rural Regeneration and Development Fund, established as part of Project Ireland 2040...

Mr Seán Canney TD, the Minister of State at the Department of Rural and Community Development, today (20th December 2019) launched a public consultation process for the draft National Volunteering Strategy 2020-2025.

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Mr. Michael Creed T.D., today announced record funding awards of €2,906,000 to 106 animal welfare organisations throughout the country. The payments will be made with immediate effect.

Minister for Health Simon Harris TD has today (Friday, December 20th) announced a package of health and well-being supports for former residents of Mother and Baby Homes and Related Institutions...

Patronage survey for four other new primary schools to be established in 2020 extended until January 12th

Evaluation reflects positive outcomes achieved in the areas of: a reduction in offending behaviour; a greater compliance with bail conditions and a reduction in custodial sanctions

Padraic Smith Insurance Broker had previously informed the Department of Children and Youth Affairs that they were providing insurance services to 1,300 childcare providers.

