
Today Minister Pat Breen addressed the Plenary of the 108th session of the International Labour Conference during this, the ILO’s Centenary year. This Organisation’s Centenary...

Minister Michael Creed T.D., Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, today (Wednesday) announced that agreement had been reached in principle to allow access for Irish Sheepmeat to...

Minister welcomes findings of online survey of Irish teachers working in UAE.

At its meeting today, the Government nominated The Hon Ms. Justice Aileen Donnelly, a Judge of the High Court for appointment by the President to the Court of Appeal...

The Minister for Health, and the Minister of State with special responsibility for Mental Health and Older People, are pleased to announce that the Government has approved a General Scheme of a Bill intended to change the treatment of family farms and businesses under the Nursing Homes Support Scheme, also known as the Fair Deal.

The Minister for Health, has today published the Supplementary Report of the Scoping Inquiry into the CervicalCheck Programme, following a Government decision earlier today.

The Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, Shane Ross T.D., announced today that he is making an initial allocation of over €8.85 million in Exchequer grants to the airports of Donegal...

Tusla – the Child and Family Agency will host its first Social Work Recruitment Open Day at their head office in the Brunel Building.

Minister for Health Simon Harris TD and Minister for Health Promotion, Catherine Byrne TD, today (Monday) welcomed the start of Men’s Health Week 2019.

