
Minister welcomes changes to facilitate diversity and urges new communities to apply.

The Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation has stressed the urgent need for businesses to take a few minutes to register online with Revenue in order to get a customs identification number.

Mr Eoghan Murphy TD, Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government welcomes the changes to the Employment Permits System, following a comprehensive cross-departmental / agency review, which were announced this morning by Heather Humphreys, T.D., Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation.

Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport welcomed the presentation by the National Transport Authority of its recommended option for the Liffey Cycle Route.

The Minister for Agriculture Food & Marine met with the Chinese Ambassador to Ireland, Yue Xiaoyong ahead of his Trade Mission to China in May.

The Government Chief-Whip and Minister of State for the Irish Language, the Gaeltacht and the Islands Seán Kyne T.D. has announced today (3 April), that he has approved an allowance of up €100,000 for Údarás na Gaeltachta in order to provide a fund, not exceeding €5,000 per Gaeltacht Language Planning Area, for office equipment for Language Planning Officers as they commence work on the language planning process in the Gaeltacht...

Further consultation aimed at ensuring relative stability for all taxpayers in their LPT bills & that any increases would modest, affordable & fair...

Minister for Health, Simon Harris TD and Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection, Regina Doherty TD have today published Smile agus Sláinte, the new National Oral Health Policy...

Government Chief Whip, Seán Kyne TD has today published the Government’s new legislation programme which contains 30 new bills that will be progressed by the summer recess.

