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Minister Bruton Leads 22 Irish Companies on Enterprise Ireland Trade and Education Mission to India and Saudi Arabia

Trade Mission Targets Growth in High Tech and Educational Sectors

The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Mr Richard Bruton T.D.

today [Sunday] begins an Enterprise Ireland trade and education mission of

22 Irish companies to India.  The Minister will then travel to Saudi Arabia

to support an education mission of 13 leading Irish universities and

institutes of technology.

During the mission, Minister Bruton will meet key Indian political leaders

and corporate decision makers to endorse and promote Irish companies and

Irish products and services.  The Minister will also lead groups of Irish

companies in key corporate presentations to promote their products and

services to potential Indian partners and buyers.

Speaking ahead of the mission Minister Bruton said:   “India is rapidly

transforming into a global economic powerhouse and has moved into a central

position, not just as one of the key engines of growth in Asia, but as a

key player in global trade.

“As a result, India is increasing in prominence in the export strategies of

Irish companies and institutions, who recognise India’s emergence as one of

the most powerful economies in the world.

“The continued steady growth of Irish exports to India represents an

excellent performance and there are significant further opportunities for

increased trade and partnership between Irish and Indian organisations.”

The trade mission to India has been organised because of the high growth

potential for Irish exports to India and as a direct response to growing

interest in the market among Irish companies.  The key objective of the

trade mission is to highlight the excellence of Ireland’s higher education

offering and the product and service capability of Irish companies.

Ireland is at an early stage in the development of its economic ties with

India but activity in the market is growing.  Enterprise Ireland is already

working with over 100 Irish companies who are exporting to India, an

increase of 10% on 2009.

Over 30 Irish companies, ranging from construction services to higher

education to software and IT, have their own offices in India. A further

100 Irish companies are working with Enterprise Ireland in the early stages

of selling to this market.  This growing level of engagement has resulted

in a doubling of Enterprise Ireland client exports to India over the last

three years to more than over €50m.

India has been identified as a priority market for international students

in Ireland’s education strategy “Investing in Global Relationships” and so

education forms a key focus of the trade mission.  The trade mission also

includes participants from a range of sectors in which Ireland’s products

and services closely match Indian market needs.  These include education

services, IT & telecommunications, the lifesciences

Following on from the mission to India, Minister Bruton will travel to

Saudi Arabia to support an education mission of Ireland’s leading

universities and institutes of technology, to promote Irish higher

education in Saudi Arabia.

During his visit, Minister Bruton will meet with the Minister of Higher

Education, His Excellency, Dr. Khaled Al – Angari, the Minister of Commerce

and Industry, His Excellency, Mr..Abdullah Ali Reza and Dr. Ali Nasser Al

Ghafis, Governor of Technical Vocational Training Corporation (TVTC).

The Minister will also formally launch the “Education in Ireland” brand in

Saudi Arabia.

Commenting ahead of his visit to Saudi Arabia Minster Bruton said:

“Enterprise Ireland has been promoting Irish higher level education in

Saudi Arabia since 2007 and there are now over 400 Saudi students currently

studying in our Higher Education Institutions as well as the same number of

Saudi students studying English language in Ireland.

“Saudi Arabia is Ireland’s most important trading partner in the Middle

East.  The Irish education of Saudi students is an important element in

reinforcing the positive trading relationship with Saudi Arabia and we are

keen to further develop this area for the mutual benefit of both Ireland

and Saudi Arabia.”