
The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Mr. Richard Bruton T.D. today (Monday 25th June 2012) announced that Irish pharmaceutical...

Over €90million in additional lending to 5,500 micro-enterprises will be made available under a Government scheme which is expected to create 7,700 jobs over 10 years, the Minister ...

The Minister for Jobs,Enterpriseand Innovation, Richard Bruton TD, is inLuxembourgtoday [Thursday] to attend EU Council of Ministers meeting ...

Good Morning Ladies and Gentleman. Firstly, I would like to thank Patricia Callan for inviting me to address your conference today. The theme of today’s conference “Restoring Consumer Confidence” is of vital importance to the Government...

Jobs Minister Richard Bruton this morning hosted the seventh Action Plan for Jobs Forum at Dublin Castle. The purpose of the Forum was to explain to business-people the actions the Government is taking to make it easier for businesses...

The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Richard Bruton TD today (Monday) launched, a new website aimed at reducing the burden of red tape on business by bringing together in one place clear...

Energy utility SSE plc today announced a half billion euro further investment in Ireland. The investment is expected to create 600 construction jobs up to...

I am very happy to be here today at this investment announcement. It is a significant announcement for the Irish economy and represents a vote of...

Jobs Minister Richard Bruton together with Research and Innovation Minister Sean Sherlock today announced new structures to make it easier to commercialise and ultimately create jobs from ideas...

The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Richard Bruton TD, together with the Minister for Research and Innovation Sean Sherlock TD, today [Friday] announced new structures to make it easier to...

