
Today the President signed into law the Communications Regulation (Postal Services) Act 2011 which transposes the EU Third Postal Service Directive and marks the final step in opening the market to full competition...

The Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, Pat Rabbitte T.D. has welcomed today’s announcement by Eircom that it is to make additional investment in the roll out of Next Generation Broadband...

Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, Mr Pat Rabbitte TD, today announced that in the context of the EU Third Energy Package the Government has decided that the ownership...

The Minister for Energy Pat Rabbitte, today announced the membership of an international expert commission to review and report, within six months...

Communications Minister Pat Rabbitte today announced progress with the Rural Broadband Scheme which aims to identify the remaining individual premises in rural Ireland that are unable to obtain a broadband service and to provide ...

Minister for Communications, Pat Rabbitte T.D, today approved an extensive package of telecommunications Regulations which turn EU rules into Irish law. Announcing the decisions the Minister said "This is a significant update to the...

Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Richard Bruton T.D. has written to Government colleagues to establish a cross-Government implementation group on cloud computing, he announced in a keynote speech...

Minister for Communications, Pat. Rabbitte T.D., today announced he is making €1,600,000 available in 2011 under the BenefIT 3 Grant scheme. The scheme will help provide basic internet related skills training to 30,000 people across...

The Minister for Communications, Energy & Natural Resources, Mr. Pat Rabbitte, T.D. has welcomed the RTÉ’s success at the New York Festival Radio Awards last night. RTÉ Radio, which encompasses RTÉ Radio One...

The Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, Mr. Pat Rabbitte, TD, together with his colleague Mr. Fergus O’Dowd, TD, Minister of State at the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources with responsibility for NewERA, will...

