Crime & Justice

Frances Fitzgerald, TD, Minister for Justice and Equality, yesterday welcomed the successful passage of the Court of Appeal Bill 2014 through the Dáil and the Seanad...

It gives me great pleasure to be here with you today to discuss the Court of Appeal Bill 2014. You may recall that last July the House was dealing with the Thirty-third Amendment of the Constitution...

At its meeting on 1 July, the Government decided that matters relating to the fatal shooting of Ronan MacLochlainn in Ashford, County Wicklow, in May 1998 are of significant public concern... processes relating to establishment of the Commission as defined in the Commissions of Investigation Act, 2004 in relation to this matter,

Thank you Chairperson. I would like to thank you for your words of welcome and Ambassador Patricia O Brien who is our Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva, for her words of introduction. I very much welcome the...

Deputies will recall that the Programme for Government indicated that the necessary steps to create a permanent Court of Appeal would be taken during the lifetime of the Government. On foot of that commitment, a Referendum...

Only a few short weeks ago we saw the 40th anniversary of the savage bombings in Dublin and Monaghan and the tragic loss of life and injuries that resulted....

Frances Fitzgerald T.D., Minister for Justice and Equality, today welcomed the publication by the Joint Oireachtas...

Frances Fitzgerald, TD, Minister for Justice and Equality has today announced the publication of the Court of Appeal Bill 2014...

I want to begin by welcoming you – one and all – to this great day which marks a major milestone in your lives. I want to specially welcome all of those of you immediately in front of me who will...

