
Finance Minister Michael Noonan today announced that Capita is to create 800 new jobs in Dublin...

Capita marked the growth of its business in Ireland today, with the announcement that it planned...

Today (16-May-2013) in Dublin’s Alexandra Hotel Minister of State for Public Service Reform, Brian...

Companies Bill together with a range of measures being driven by Irish EU Presidency aim to balance...

16th May 2013 Taoiseach Enda Kenny today launched a new Eircom Fibre Broadband network. Eircom says the fibre service...

Ireland’s reputation as an innovation hub has been given a boost by the introduction....

A Cheann Chomhairle, I am pleased to open this debate on the report of the former Joint....

The Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform reported to Government on his discussions with the CEO...

Ireland is playing an important part in helping the EU meet it targets for the creation of high-value jobs according to Minister for Research and Innovation, Sean Sherlock TD. The Minister was speaking at a conference in Dublin Castle...

An important new web resource for business detailing R&D funding opportunities and jobs was launched today, (Tuesday) by Minister for Research and Innovation, Mr. Sean Sherlock TD. The new resource is an extension of the

