
Irish IT company opensky data systems, an innovative Irish IT Company headquartered...

Energy Ministers met in Dublin over two days to discuss the way forward for European energy policy....

Richard Bruton TD, Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation today [Tuesday] welcomed receipt of the Report of the Labour...

As European Energy Ministers started their meeting in Dublin Castle this afternoon Minister Rabbitte put the agenda in context....

Two new statistical releases bring together for the first time ever the key data on government finances produced by the CSO...

. The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton TD, and the Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairi Quinn TD, published....

22nd April 2013 The Government today published its plans for 20,000 additional jobs in the manufacturing...

Regulation Central to Recovery & Jobs - Taoiseach & Minister Bruton launch public consultation on new Government policy statement on economic regulation & publish a Forfas report on sectoral regulation. The Taoiseach Enda Kenny announced today...

The Insolvency Service of Ireland yesterday launched its information...

Enterprise Ireland client companies achieved record exports in 2012 breaking the €16bn for the first time, up from €15.2bn in 2011. Greatest wins came from sectors such as Engineering, Software, Internationally Traded Services and Medical Devices...

