
The Department of Finance has published the monthly "Deposit trends at the Irish Covered Banks" setting out the consolidated deposit trends at the...

An independent Copyright Review Committee was established on 9 May, 2011 to examine the existing Irish copyright and legislative framework to identify any areas that might be deemed to create barriers to innovation and to make...

Mr. John Hogan has been appointed as Head of Banking Policy in the Financial Services Division in the Department of Finance. John will be responsible for developing and delivering policy in key policy areas such as credit and...

The NTMA’s return to the bond market today is a very welcome and positive development. This auction marks the first time the NTMA has raised long term funds in the markets since September 2010...

I am very grateful for the opportunity to speak here today on the prospects for the Irish economy. The topic is one which draws considerable attention in the national press, financial markets, and no doubt on...

On the historic 85th anniversary celebration of the development of Ardnacrusha power station, Minister Rabbitte emphasized the enormity of the Shannon Scheme which involved the construction and rollout of...

An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny TD, Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, Pat Rabbitte TD, and Minister for Finance, Michael Noonan TD, today (July 26th) attended an event at...

Jobs Minister Richard Bruton today announced that 911 new jobs will be created over the next three years in 53 new high potential start-up companies supported by Government through Enterprise Ireland...

The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Richard Bruton TD today [Thursday] announced that 911 new jobs will be created over the next three years in 53 new high potential start-up companies supported...

The Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform today announced the Government’s plans to reform and extend Freedom of Information legislation...

