
Minister of Trade and Development, Jan O’Sullivan TD, today, officiated at the opening of the new Research, Development and Manufacturing facility for...

Mr Brian Hayes TD, Minister of State at the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform today published the Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) of the...

BioWare, a label of Electronic Arts Inc. today announced the opening of a state-of-the-art customer service center in Galway. The new facility, BioWare’s first...

Today EA and Bioware are announcing the creation of a further 200 jobs to add to the 200 jobs previously announced for the CEDS Centre in Galway...

Jobs Minister Richard Bruton today welcomed the announcement by Twitter that the company is to establish an international office in Dublin. The company made the announcement by tweet earlier this morning....

Waterford’s Automated Feeding Systems Holdings (AFSH) today (23rd September 2011) announced that it has secured a $2.5 million deal to supply its newest horse feeding system to Triple Crown Nutrition of Wayzata, MN. The...

Minister for European Affairs, Lucinda Creighton T.D., has highlighted the role of small and medium sized enterprises in Ireland’s economic recovery during a speech in Dublin this evening. Speaking at the ...

I am pleased in these difficult times to perform the official opening of a new business. I am particularly pleased to have been asked to open a business like this one. Tax Assist is a valuable

Jobs Minister Richard Bruton today welcomed the latest figures from the CSO which show services exports in the first half of 2011 up 8.4% on the first...

Jobs and Enterprise Minister Richard Bruton was interviewed live on CNN during his official visit to Southern US states. You can watch the full video below...

