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Minister Fitzgerald announces developments in intercountry adoption between Ireland and Vietnam.

Administrative arrangements for intercountry adoption to be progressed by Adoption Authority in Vietnam in January.


30th December 2011

 Minister Fitzgerald stated “since becoming Minister for Children and Youth Affairs I have taken every opportunity to foster and develop relationships with the Vietnamese authorities. Many of my colleagues in Government have assisted in this process. I am pleased this relationship between the Irish Government and the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam has ensured ongoing dialogue regarding intercountry adoption between our two countries. As a result of this contact over the last number of months Vietnamese politicians and officials have reiterated the commitment of Vietnam to an intercountry adoption regime with Ireland and their willingness to consider Ireland as a receiving country for Vietnamese children eligible for intercountry adoption". Minister Fitzgerald said "the Vietnamese authorities are committed to putting in place the legislative framework that supports safe and secure domestic and intercountry adoption. Once this is in place, and with the work of the Adoption Authority on the Irish side, I am confident that arrangements for intercountry adoption between Ireland and Vietnam can progress."

The adoption authority at my request has already carried out a preliminary visit to Vietnam early this year and will again visit in January where they will commence discussions on administration arrangements for intercountry adoption between Ireland and Vietnam as provided for by Article 72 of the Adoption Act 2010.” Minister Fitzgerald also said that she would also be accepting an invitation extended to her to visit Vietnam.