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Remarks by the Tánaiste Mr. Eamon Gilmore T.D.,on the publication of the wording for the forthcoming Children's Referendum

This will be a historic referendum. A referendum informed by the bitter lessons of our history. But also one that makes a clear statement about our future, our society, and the place of children in it.

As a State, some of the darkest moments in our past are a direct consequence of children’s interests, and children’s right to be cared for and protected, being ignored.

The forensic detailing of that failure over the past number of years, and in the Ryan Report in particular, was a crucial moment. Irish people of all generations, of all backgrounds, of all faiths, were united in their horror at what vulnerable children, in the care of the State and other institutions, have suffered. It is a horror that caused us to take a hard look at ourselves, and at who we are as a people.

This Constitutional Amendment is an opportunity to answer that question. To state clearly and unequivocally that we, the Irish people, value children and childhood. That we believe children have a right to be cared for and protected. That they should not be silenced or sidelined.

That is the choice facing us in this referendum.

It is about ensuring that we can protect children, in the exceptional cases when that protection is needed.

It is about protecting children equally, regardless of their background.

And it is about ensuring that the best interests of a child, and the views of children themselves, are front and centre in decisions about their safety and welfare.

It is not the answer to all of our problems; changing the law alone will not do that. But it does mean that, as a society, we are better equipped to protect children and, crucially, to ensure that their interests are not, as in the past, written out of history.

This is an extremely important amendment. Childhood only happens once. And on November 10th, we have an opportunity to decide that every childhood is precious, and that every child is deserving of our protection and care.