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UN Special Representative expresses support for Ireland’s child protection reforms

Minister Frances Fitzgerald meets Ms. Marta Santos Pais

Ms. Marta Santos Pais, Special Representative to the UN Secretary-General on violence against children has this week visited Ireland and has met with Frances Fitzgerald TD, Minister for Children and Youth Affairs.

Ms. Santos Pais expressed her support for the Irish Government’s programme of reforms in the areas of child protection and children’s rights and confirmed her support for Government plans to bring forward a proposed constitutional amendment on child protection.

The UN Special Representative also welcomed a number of other Government measures including the introduction of legislation to require compliance with Children First, the phased removal of under-18’s from St. Patrick’s Institution and the establishment of a dedicated new Child and Family Support Agency.

Minister Fitzgerald stated: “I was delighted to meet with Ms. Santos Pais and I wish to commend her on her global work on behalf of the UN Secretary-General to secure international action on child protection and tackling violence against children.

“I was particularly heartened at the UN Special Representative’s stated support for Ireland’s programme of reforms in the areas of child protection and children’s rights, in particular our plans to bring forward a referendum on child protection.

“As Minister, I have set out to make Ireland a world-leader in child protection. The support expressed by the UN Special Representative represents a welcome international acknowledgement of the commitment and efforts of the Government and my Department.

Minister Fitzgerald and Ms. Santos Pais also discussed progress in ratification by Ireland of the 2nd Optional Protocol to the UN Convention on the rights of the child dealing with the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography. Minister Fitzgerald is working with her colleague Minister for Justice and Equality Alan Shatter TD to progress this ratification.