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€0.8 Million Investment in the Expansion of Facilities and Services for Young People announced by Minister Fitzgerald

Frances Fitzgerald, T.D., Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, today announced funding of €0.8 million under the Expansion of the Young People’s Facilities and Services Fund (YPFSF) to the four new towns of Arklow, Athone, Dundalk and Wexford. Minister Fitzgerald said she was confident that the facilities and equipment which will be provided as a result of the funding will be enjoyed by many and will play a meaningful and ongoing role in the development and support of young people.

The aim of the Fund is to attract "at risk" young people in designated areas into facilities and activities that will support their development, and divert them away from the dangers of substance abuse. The Fund supports the development of targeted preventative strategies (including sport and recreational facilities and services) in the 14 Local Drugs Task Force areas (12 of which are in Dublin with others in Bray and Cork) as well as in Limerick, Galway and Waterford cities and Carlow town. In 2008, the Fund was expanded to four new towns – Arklow, Athlone, Dundalk and Wexford. Development Groups were established in each of the YPFSF areas with Local Authority/VEC/Community representation. Applications for funding under the YPFSF are made through the relevant Development Group who determine the suitability of proposals against priorities identified for the area in order to address gaps in provision at local level.

Among the projects receiving capital funding are:

  • Arklow: Inbhear Mór Youth and Sport Facility, Arklow, Co. Wicklow:(€225,000)
  • Athlone: Gateway Youth Facility, Athlone, Co. Westmeath (€61,000)
  • Blackberry Lane Community Centre (€9,010)
  • Brawney Youth Centre (€6,600)
  • Athlone Community Radio (€9,894)
  • Dundalk: Coxes Demesne Youth and Community Project, Dundalk, Co.
  • Louth (€42,100)
  • The Apple Tree Foundation (32,684)
  • Wexford: Hospital Area Facility, Wexford (€20,000)
  • Southend Family Resource Centre (€80,127)

In total 9 capital projects in Arklow, Athlone, Dundalk and Wexford Town are receiving allocations totalling €486,415.

In addition €119,585 has been granted to the North Inner City Development Group in Dublin for the provision of a Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) for the Drumalee Road. This facility will be utilised by projects, clubs and residents from the O’Devaney, Montpellier and Drumalee areas. Funding of €180,000, previously committed has also been allocated to the Cabra/Finglas area for the provision of a Youth Facility in Cabra.

The Minister is also pleased to announce that funding of €14,000 is being allocated to make available a small grant from YPFSF funds towards the running costs and adaptation or equipping of facilities in 14 post/primary schools in order to maximise their flexibility/usage in relation to out of hours activities for young people in the catchment area of the schools. Each of the schools will receive a grant of €1,000 for this purpose.

"Today’s approvals illustrate the Government’s commitment to encouraging young people into positive recreational youth activities, and away from the risk of becoming involved with drugs", the Minister said.

"This significant funding will build on the good work which is already being undertaken through the YPFSF. Each of these projects will make a difference in the lives of the young people being targeted. Indeed, not alone will the young people benefit, but their families and communities will benefit also" the Minister added.

Funding in the region of €203m has been allocated under the Young People’s Facilities and Services Fund to date in respect of facilities and services for young people.