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Minister Fitzgerald leads EU-wide consultation with young people

Minster attends regional consultation event in Gresham Hotel

Over 300 young people engaged in Irish consultation series

Similar consultation in all 27 EU members’ states, culminating in the EU Youth Conference in Dublin in March.

Frances Fitzgerald TD, Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, is today hosting a EU regional consultation event with young people. The event which is being held in the Gresham Hotel is part of the ‘Young Voices - Have Your Say consultation which in turn forms the Irish element of an EU-wide consultation with young people during Ireland’s EU Presidency. This EU-wide consultation will culminate in the EU Youth Conference to be hosted by Minister Fitzgerald in the Royal Hospital Kilmainham from March 11th-13th.

The Irish consultation involves three regional events in Sligo, Cork and today in Dublin; attended cumulatively by over 300 young people in their teens and 20’s.

Speaking at today’s event, Minister Fitzgerald said: “A key element of Ireland’s Presidency of the EU Council of Youth Ministers is the EU Youth Conference which I will host in Dublin in March. This will be one of the largest events held in Ireland during our Presidency, bringing together over 250 young people and policy makers form all 27 member states. This Conference will draw together the responses from consultation in each member state with a view to informing the Council of Ministers meeting which I will chair in March.”

The theme of the consultation focuses on social inclusion. Minster Fitzgerald said that this theme covered a lot of issues of relevance to young people, from unemployment, which is a key theme of Ireland’s EU Presidency; to concerns over bullying and exclusion which are matters of major public concerns in Ireland at present.

Minister Fitzgerald stated: “This process of engaging with young people has been recognised as central to the development of EU youth policy, especially at this time of crisis when there are major concerns across Europe over the prospect of a ’lost generation’ as a result of youth unemployment and civic and social disengagement. As President of the EU Council of Youth Minister I have committed to ensuring that young people’s voices are heard in EU policy discussions.”

Minister Fitzgerald thanked all the young people who have engaged in the Irish consultation. The Minister also thanked her Department and the National Youth Council of Ireland for their support in facilitating the consultation.