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Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Frances Fitzgerald TD welcomes Adoption Authority's visit to Vietnam

The Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Frances Fitzgerald TD, has welcomed the visit of the Adoption Authority to Vietnam. They have travelled there to assess current standards in their ratification of the Hague Convention. Minster Fitzgerald requested that the Adoption Authority visit Vietnam when she met with them recently.

The Minister and the Authority agreed that, in view of the fact that Vietnam hopes to ratify the Hague Convention in June, it would be appropriate for the Authority to visit Vietnam. They travelled there over the weekend and will hold a series of meetings over the coming days. The purpose of the visit is to explore the progress Vietnamese authorities have made in addressing the profound concerns which caused the suspension of adoptions.

'I am pleased that Vietnam has signed the Hague Convention, but I recognise the body of work that still needs to be done to protect children and fully ratify the Convention”, said  Minister Fitzgerald. “The Authority is visiting Vietnam to assess current standards”. 

“I look forward to receiving a report on the outcome of meetings with the Vietnamese authorities. I understand the concerns of prospective adoptive parents who are anxiously waiting for news on this issue.  We hope this visit will provide further clarity on the current situation in Vietnam”.