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Minister Frances Fitzgerald announces National Recreation Week 2011

Minister to establish National Play and Recreation Network 

Minister for Children & Youth Affairs Frances Fitzgerald TD is delighted to announce National Recreation Week 2011, which runs this year from tomorrow Friday 28th October to Thursday 3rd November. This is a nationwide celebration of recreational activities for young people run in partnership with various local authorities across the state.

Minister Fitzgerald has also announced her plans to establish a new National Play and Recreation Network to bring together local authority play and recreation officers and their expertise for the purposes of advising on further developments and innovations in the provision of play and recreation facilities and to help promote the wider benefits of participation in sporting and cultural activities among local communities. The inaugural meeting of the Network will be held shortly.

Minister Fitzgerald said: "We should never underestimate the importance of recreation in children’s lives.

"Since my appointment as Minister I have highlighted childhood obesity as a major concern. Research from the ‘Growing-Up in Ireland’ national longitudinal study contains some very worrying data showing that nearly a quarter of Irish children are either overweight or obese. These findings pose a serious challenge which requires a determined and multi-faceted response. Improving rates of play and physical activity among children is a critical part of this response.

"However last month I launched further qualitative research from the ‘Growing-Up in Ireland’ study which highlighted the predominance of indoor activities such as gaming, internet and TV in children's lives, while also indicating the concerns of children in all areas, urban and rural, over the lack of places to play

"The purpose of the National Recreation Week 2011 is to highlight the importance of recreation for young people and to encourage an inter-agency approach to achieving some of the main goals of the National Recreation Policy for Young People which aims to promote recreational opportunities for young people between the ages of 12 and 18.

"I wish to commend our local authorities and in particular their play and recreation officers for their efforts to promote recreational activity and develop facilities in communities right across the state. The National Play and Recreation Network which I am now establishing will play an important role in advising on and promoting further developments and innovations in the provision of recreational opportunities for young people.

Minister for Environment, Communities & Local Government Phil Hogan TD added his support for National Recreation Week stating: I would like to congratulate all the local authorities who are participating in this very worthy initiative. In this day and age when children spend too much time on the Playstations and X-Boxes we must encourage children to get out and about and experience alternative types of recreation."