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Minister Frances Fitzgerald T.D. welcomes publication of the HSE National Service Plan 2012

The Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Frances Fitzgerald T.D., today welcomed the publication of the HSE Service Plan 2012, following approval of the Plan last Friday by the Minister for Health, James Reilly T.D.

In particular, the Minister welcomed the provision of €40 million in additional budget for Child Protection and Welfare services. This additional provision reflects the priority attached by the Government to the reform of child protection and welfare services and the service and financial pressures experienced within this area in recent years. The Minister said that:

"The overall financial challenges facing the HSE are significant. In this context the reallocation of €40 million in funding to Child Protection and Welfare services is a significant statement of the priority accorded by Government and the HSE to addressing the needs within this area. It will assist in providing a more secure financial basis on which to accelerate reform of children’s services and prepare for the establishment of a dedicated new Child and Family Support Agency to take charge of these services from 2013. "

The Minister focused on the Government’s reform of child protection and welfare services, saying: "The establishment of the new Agency is part of a wider ‘change agenda’, which is aimed at strengthening the organisational capacity, business processes and systems necessary to deliver safe and reliable child protection services. This change agenda is necessary in order to utilise resources to their fullest to promote better outcomes for children and achieve Government objectives for the improvement of the child protection system. I believe, in time, this will constitute an important and demonstrable example for the general public of the benefits of the Government’s approach to public service reform."

The 2012 provision represents an increase of 4% compared to the 2011 budget. However, there will still be a requirement to control excess spending which caused budgetary difficulties in 2011. An average reduction in expenditure of 7% will be required to bring spending back from 2011 anticipated outturn levels to the budget provision in 2012. The departure of staff before the end of the 29 February "grace period" will also require careful management. The Minister said that:  

"The financial and staffing challenges are such as to require acceleration of the reform programme within the HSE which is being led by Gordon Jeyes, National Director of Children and Family services. This reform process is fully in line with the Government’s strategy to improve child protection and welfare services which, as Minister for Children and Youth affairs, I am directing. I am heartened by the positive response of all staff to the imperative to ensure that the resources available are used wisely and in the overall interests of vulnerable children and families."

As provided for in the HSE Estimate published by Government in December, for the first time a dedicated subhead for Children and Family services has been established in the HSE Vote. The composition of this subhead/budget will be agreed by the departments of Children and Youth Affairs, Health and the HSE in advance of the publication by Government of the Revised Estimates for the Public Service. The Minister said that: "The dedicated budgetary provision for Children and Family services for the first time will bring greater transparency and control to budgetary management and will pave the way for the establishment of the new Child and Family Support Agency in 2013."

The Minister welcomed the key priorities for 2012 for Children and Family services set out in the HSE Service Plan, including:

· Continuing the major cultural change required for the delivery of child centred, transparent, quality assured, professionally reflective and accountable services to children and their families.

· Implementing consistent child protection procedures in line with the revised national guidelines - Children First, 2011 – National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children.

· Continuing the reforms necessary to provide safer, more reliable and effective services for children in care.

· Continuing implementation of the Ryan Report.

· Workforce development and improved collaboration with the community and voluntary sector.

· The programme of preparations for the establishment of the Child and Family Support Agency.