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Task Force on the Child & Family Support Agency - Minister Fitzgerald

Children & Youth Affairs Minister Frances Fitzgerald today announced the setting up of the Task Force on the Child & Family Support Agency. The Minister emphasised the Programme for Government commitment to

fundamentally reform the delivery of child protection services by removing child welfare and protection from the HSE and creating a dedicated Child Welfare and Protection Agency, reforming the model of service delivery and improving accountability to the Dáil.

The Minister commented that she was

delighted with the calibre of the Task Force membership, and thanked those involved for contributing their expertise to this important reform.

The Task Force will advise the Department of Children and Youth Affairs (DCYA) in regard to the necessary transition programme to establish a Child & Family Support Services Agency, and will base its work on best practice in child welfare, family support and public administration; consistent with the Government’s public sector reform agenda.

In relation to the Agency it has been asked to:

  • Propose a vision and the principles to guide operations;
  • Advise on the appropriate service responsibilities, and the delivery of same;
  • Review existing financial, staffing and corporate resources; and propose a methodology for resource allocation;
  • Propose an organisational design and operating child welfare and protection service model;
  • Prepare a detailed implementation plan;
  • Identify the main priorities and core relationships required;
  • Oversee the implementation and monitor progress, pending establishment of the Agency.

Read the full press release here.