Category Index

Minister for Children & Youth Affairs Frances Fitzgerald T.D. has welcomed the government’s new Public Heath Policy Framework initiated today and has pledged her Department’s commitment to putting in place robust strategies and...

The Taoiseach Mr Enda Kenny T.D., has requested that a book of condolence be opened for the late Brian Lenihan on Monday 13th June, at Government Buildings, Merrion Street. The book will be available for members of the public to sign from 9.00 am until 6.00pm...

Minister of State for Trade and Development, Jan O’Sullivan, T.D., today announced the Review of the 2006 White Paper on Irish Aid, the Government’s programme for overseas development, as she begins a five-day visit to Africa....

The Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairí Quinn, T.D., today announced the providers of an additional 1,000 Post-Leaving Certificate (PLC) places. These additional places were recently announced as part of the Government’s Jobs Initiative...

Enterprise Minister Richard Bruton will tomorrow begin a week-long trade and investment mission to the West Coast of the United States, where he will meet a number of key American corporations....

Transport Minister Leo Varadkar today confirmed 25 sustainable transport projects that will receive €5 million under the Jobs Initiative. The funding will be used to start or complete the 25 sustainable transport projects, and to sustain employment in the process...

Friday 10th June 2011 The first North South Ministerial Conference of the 31st Dáil took place today in Farmleigh, Dublin...

Shane McEntee TD, Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, attended the Taste of Dublin event on Thursday and complimented the organisers on their commitment to this...

The Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Frances Fitzgerald T.D., has approved funding of over €3.6 million to 588 voluntary and community groups nationwide which provide a wide range of marriage, child and bereavement...

Enterprise Minster Richard Bruton today announced the official opening of Zynga’s biggest European office and multilingual operations centre in Dublin. The company, which is behind such popular games as CityVille...

