Category Index

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney TD, today described the initial presentation from the EU Commission of its impact assessment of a Free Trade Agreement with the capital MERCOSUR...

Health Minister Dr James Reilly has today ( Thursday 28th April) announced major changes related to the board of the Health Service Executive. Dr Reilly has indicated his intention to accept the resignations...

I would like to thank the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management Ireland (CIWM) for the opportunity to address your conference here this morning. I’d like to thank your Secretary Toddy Cuthbert...

The Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairi Quinn TD, today announced the publication of the report of the Commission on School Accommodation proposing revised criteria and procedures...

The Government has appointed Mr Robert Watt as Secretary General of the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform. Mr. Watt is an economist and has broad experience...

Education Minister Ruairi Quinn today addessed the TUI conference in Tralee. As with the INTO and ASTI conferences, the Minister outlined the challenges ahead...

I want to start by thanking you for your invitation to join you in Tralee at your annual congress and for your warm welcome. I consider myself privileged to have been given the job I wanted in what is...

Education Minister Ruairi Quinn today addressed the annual convention of the Association of Secondary Teachers of Ireland in Cork. The Minister spoke of the "challenges" ahead in the area of Education, and of how the EU/IMF bailout would effect...

Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Richard Bruton TD announced today that NEI (NASDAQ: NEI), a leading provider of application platforms, deployment solutions and lifecycle

Enterprise Minister Richard Bruton today announced 50 new jobs in Galway with NEI. NEI, a provider of application platforms, deployment solutions and lifecycle support services for technology software...

