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Accommodation Strategy for People seeking Protection in Ireland

Ireland is resolute in our solidarity and support for Ukraine and we are honouring our commitment to help people who have been displaced by this horrendous war.


The Government’s coordinated response to the humanitarian crisis is extensive and ongoing. Ireland has never seen so many people arrive in such a short time frame. Already thousands are receiving accommodation and assistance and work is ongoing to provide accommodation for the continuing high numbers arriving seeking our protection from war and persecution.


To date accommodation has been sourced for almost 60,000 people fleeing the war Ukraine. This is in addition to increasing high numbers of people seeking asylum, with almost 20,000 people in accommodation. 


As part of the humanitarian response, accommodation has been sourced in hotels and B&Bs; emergency rest centres operated by Local Authorities; as well as through hosting arrangements and the ‘Offer a home’ scheme. All suitable commercial offers for immediate use are being assessed.  In addition, a programme for refurbishment of suitable buildings for the medium term is underway and a pilot initiative to provide Rapid Build houses is in progress.


In light of the acute and growing pressures, Government is stepping up action to maximise the pace and scale of delivery on this accommodation strategy.


An Accommodation Working Group has been established to support the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth; the Department of Housing Local Government and Heritage; and the OPW in the agile delivery of accommodation required. 


An expanded programme of work has now been agreed by Government that will allow consideration of commercial properties and sites for development, refurbishment or purchase and the use of alternative modular buildings.


This work will be progressed by all of the State actors working together as part of the Accommodation Working Group and a National Coordination Unit will be established in the Local Government Management Agency to ensure delivery on the expanded workstream at local level.


Work is also ongoing across Government to intensify Communications and Community Engagement on the humanitarian response.


The Government will continue to keep its response to all aspects of this humanitarian crisis, in particular accommodation options, under continuous review. 

