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Minister McConalogue confirms agreement on TB compensation schemes

Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue TD, today welcomed confirmation that the TB Forum had concluded agreement on renewed TB compensation schemes and funding arrangements. The Minister commended the members of the Forum for their effective collaboration to-date in implementing the Bovine TB eradication strategy. Commenting on the Bovine TB Stakeholders Forum’s successful collaboration after the latest meeting of the Forum the Minister said, “I am acutely aware of the financial and emotional pain associated with a TB breakdown so I am happy to see the constructive engagement of all members of the TB forum. Under the stewardship of the Chair Michael Cronin, this collaborative model of the Forum is making real and impactful progress; with herd incidence continuing to reduce this year. "I am pleased also to announce that the Financial Working Group has reached agreement on changes to TB compensation schemes and the funding of these schemes under the TB programme as well as support as a transitional measure towards the implementation of Animal Health Law requirements for 2023. I would like to thank Mr. Gerry Kiely, Chair of the Financial Working Group for his efforts in reaching an agreement. "The Implementation Working Group, under the Chair of Dr. Sean Brady and the Scientific Working Group, under the Chair of Dr. John Griffin will continue to meet to develop further strategies to continue to reduce disease levels.” "Farmers, veterinarians, scientists, my Department and all other stakeholders, continue to have vital roles to play. The journey ahead is challenging, but collaboration like this makes it possible to travel this journey successfully together." Speaking on the implementation of the TB eradication strategy that he launched in January 2021 the Minister said, “Since taking office, I have made tackling TB a key priority of mine. The Forum’s recommendations have been key to the development of policies that can help to reduce and ultimately eradicate TB. Some of the Forum recommendations are already being implemented, such as the change in policy regarding inconclusive animals, additional support for wildlife control and badger vaccination. "These are helping to reduce herd incidence levels. I would urge the Forum to continue to increase its ambitions in the drive towards TB eradication in the coming years”. Emphasising the importance of building on progress to date, the Minister urged stakeholders to continue developing measures which can help to eradicate TB.

ENDSNote for Editors The main changes in compensations schemes are set out in the annex. An updated TB Compensation Arrangements booklet detailing all updated terms and conditions of the TB Compensation Schemes will be published shortly.


Appendix I


Herd type


Current rate € 55


New rate €


1st 5 mths post calving: €100


6-10 mths post calving: €65


2 mths x €0

Herd type



Current rate € 38.09


New rate €


1st 7 mths post calving : €52


8-12 mths post calving : €40

Herd type


Current rate € 25.39


New rate € 30



Herd type

Current rate €

New rate €











HARDSHIP GRANT Monthly rates

Herd type

Current Rate €

New Rate €








To support farmers, as a transitional measure towards the implementation of Animal Health Law requirements for 2023, in addition to previously published arrangements in relation to the introduction of Animal Health Law on 1st February 2023, a once-off contribution of up to a maximum of €70 will be provided to breeding herds in 2023 who need to carry out required necessary additional testing on cows of any age or males over 36 months moved from one breeding herd to another breeding herd. (A breeding herd is defined as a herd with a birth registered in 2023)