
Public Expenditure Minister Brendan Howlin today announced an additional investment of €150 million in Exchequer capital funding...

The Government today appointed Deputy Tom Hayes as Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine....

The annual Respite Care Grant is paid to carers providing full-time care and attention to a person with a disability, regardless of their means or social insurance contributions. More than 72,800 carers will benefit from the grant which is...

Education Minister Ruairi Quinn is wishing 116,845 students across the country the best of luck as they begin the State exams this morning...

31st May 2013 Jobs Minister Richard Bruton today launched a new €175million Seed and Venture...

Minister for Children Frances Fitzgerald today addressed Seanad Éireann on work underway on the pre-school quality agenda. She told Senators that she found the scenes which were broadcast on Tuesday night's RTE programme...

The Government is to analyse the impact of all official Government decisions on competitiveness, as part of a drive to make Ireland the best small country in the world in which to do business, Jobs Minister Richard Bruton announced today...

The Taoiseach has welcomed the news that Marion Price is to be released from prison....

Taoiseach Enda Kenny today a new €7 million Clinical Research Facility, a joint initiative between...

Irish Water has appointed Abtran Ltd, Cork, to operate its customer contact call centre. This decision will create 400 jobs at the Abtran facility at Bishopstown, Cork from July of this year. The contract is for a five year period and was...

