
Statement on Appointment of Chairperson to Shannon Group...

Minister Ryan today announced the appointment of Aaron Forde as the new Chairperson of Shannon Group plc...

Mr Justice Michael Peart, former Judge of the Court of Appeal, will chair six person expert review group...

Minister Donnelly today emphasised the importance of safeguarding adults at risk of abuse and harm...

Ministers Announce New Measures to Deal with Misuse of Quads and Scramblers...

Minister Martin commits up to €1m in programme funding for new virtual celebration...

Minister Brophy announced €12.5 million in Irish Aid funding over the period to 2024 in support of IFAD’s work with farmers...

Minister Noonan acknowledged the value of the Biodiversity Forum’s work in independently monitoring the third National Biodiversity Action Plan 2017-2021’s progress...

There have been no new deaths reported to the Health Protection Surveillance Centre today.

The Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Leo Varadkar T.D. and the Minister of State for Trade Promotion Robert Troy T.D. today (Monday the 15th of February 2021) welcomed the latest Goods Exports and Imports release from the Central Statistics Office (CSO)...

