
Minister Fleming today (5 February) noted the judgment of the High Court in a number of test cases relating to business interruption insurance claims arising from COVID-19-related disruption...

Minister O’Brien TD has today (5th February 2021) published the Land Development Agency (LDA) Bill 2021...

Minister McConalogue has welcomed yesterday’s meeting of the bovine TB Stakeholders Forum, the first to be held following the publication of the new bovine TB Eradication Strategy last week...

Minister Eamon Ryan TD, opens second Shared Island Dialogue on ‘The Environment and Climate - Addressing Shared Challenges’

Minister for Trade Promotion, Digital and Company Regulation, Robert Troy T.D. will today (Friday February 5) address a Local Enterprise Offices’ webinar on Brexit, focusing on what has changed for small businesses since the UK left the EU just over a month ago...

Minister Donnelly last night signed regulations that will introduce a system of mandatory quarantine for arrivals into the State...

New website to inform and support victims of crime. It will provide information on rights and services available for victims of crime...

The Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Michael McGrath TD, today (4th February) opened the 2021 call for projects under the Public Service Innovation Fund as part of Our Public Service 2020 framework...

Minister Ryan has today announced the expansion of the Electric SPSV (eSPSV) Scheme for Small Public Service Vehicles (SPSVs) such as taxis and hackneys...

World Cancer Day takes place every year on 4 February. It is led by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC), of which the National Cancer Control Programme and Irish Cancer Society are members...

