
Launching the National Youth Council’s position paper ‘Creating a Future for Young Jobseekers’ Social Protection Minister Burton thanked its authors ...

In light of the completion of the work of the Independent International Commission on Decommissioning (IICD) and of the Independent Monitoring Commission (IMC), the Government has agreed ...

Research & Innovation Minister Sherlock today launched the Royal Irish Academy’s Discovery website. This website, allowing users to explore a wealth of Irish cultural artefacts online ...

Announcing today’s launch of the summer round of funding under the Simon Cumbers' Media Fund, Minister of State for Trade & Development Jan O’Sullivan focused on the media’s important role to ...

Education Minister Ruairi Quinn today announced a €41.2 million Summer building works scheme. 453 primary and post-primary schools were listed as successful applicants. Speaking about the scheme, Minister Quinn said…

LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional network with more than 100 million members worldwide, with Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton TD, today announced the creation of 100 new LinkedIn jobs ...

Health Minister James Reilly today launched Organ Donor Awareness Week, which will take place from 2nd-9th April 2011....

TAOISEACH Enda Kenny will this morning chair the weekly Cabinet meeting in Government Buildings and this afternoon will be in the Dáil for the Leaders’ Questions and ...

Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Frances Fitzgerald, today launched a consultation process for the development of the National Children's Strategy 2012-2017. The consultation will take the form of questionnaires filled out by national and secondary school students....

Irish concerns in relation to Sellafield were voiced by Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Phil Hogan, T.D., when he met his British counterpart, Mr. Chris Huhne ...

