
Only a few short weeks ago we saw the 40th anniversary of the savage bombings in Dublin and Monaghan and the tragic loss of life and injuries that resulted....

I move amendment No. 1: To delete all words after “Dail Eireann” and substitute the following...

A Cheann Chomhairle, I am pleased to have the opportunity this morning to open this debate on the Wood Mackenzie report on Ireland’s Oil and Gas Fiscal System...

I am very happy to be back in Berlin today and am delighted to join you for this opening session of your economic conference...

I am pleased to update the House on what was a very significant meeting of the European Council last week. The main outcomes of the Summit were the nomination of Jean Claude Juncker as President of the...

Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I am delighted to have the opportunity to address you this evening to mark the official opening of Zendesk’s new offices here on the Grand Canal...

This is the formal launch of a significant report. But it's more than that. It is an opportunity to do something important. To say sorry. That's the first thing I wanted to do today. To meet the two families who briefly lost their children and - in private and in public - apologise to them on behalf of the State....

I am delighted to join you here today to launch the Fourth Annual Monitoring report on Integration 2013. I would like to begin by thanking Killian Forde, CEO of The Integration Centre, for his kind invitation to me to launch the report...

President of the Law Society, President of the High Court, members of the judiciary and distinguished guests - This is one of the truly delightful perks of Ministerial office. I can't remember who it was who...

