
Programme to repair publically owned fishery and aquaculture related piers...

I am delighted to be here to help launch this year’s Global Greening campaign....

I am delighted to be here to address the inaugural conference of the Insolvency Service of Ireland. I want to extend my thanks to Lorcan and to the Insolvency...

I am delighted to have been invited to speak today to the Family Lawyers Association’s Four Jurisdictions Family Law Conference. The conference will provide an opportunity to exchange perspectives across...

I am delighted to be here this afternoon, with The Taoiseach and our fellow Ministers. Ireland has had a long and fruitful association with the OECD, and today is an opportunity to deepen our joint work together...

In the early 1950s, Heinrich Boll, travelled to Ireland; a trip which inspired his book...

Thank you for inviting me to speak at today's conference. I very much welcome the...

First, I want to thank Deputies for raising this issue and I welcome the opportunity to discuss it in the House. I said recently that I would not use the term ‘homophobe’ to describe those who disagree with me on issues of gay equality in general or gay marriage...

Engagement on Northern Ireland is a matter of the highest priority for this Government...

