
Chair, Members of the Committee I welcome this opportunity to meet with you today, and to set out some of my views of the Future Direction of Health Policy...

Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am delighted to be here at Bloomberg Headquarters on this St. Patrick’s Day for ‘Ireland Day’.

Mr President, The First Lady, Mr Vice President, Ladies and Gentlemen. It is a great honour to be back here again in the most famous House in the world to celebrate St Patrick’s Day...

Mr. Speaker, Mr. President, Mr. Vice President, Members of Congress, Friends of Ireland, Distinguished Guests Is cúis áthais dom, agus do mo bhean chéile Fionnuala, bheith anseo libh...

Mr. Vice President, Distinguished guests, I’m delighted to be here this morning for this traditional St Patrick’s Day Breakfast. Vice President Pence, Karen, thank you for inviting...

Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, The sporting motif for this conference is particularly apt given Ireland and England will go head-to-head in the Aviva on Saturday...

Mr. Vice President, Mrs. Pence, Senator Mitchell, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, good evening all. Well, here we are. 25 years. Your silver anniversary national gala...

Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, It is a great pleasure to join you here to celebrate the scientific collaborations between our two nations...

Distinguished guests, It is a real pleasure to be back here in Washington and to have the opportunity to join you as we celebrate St Patrick's Day and reinforce our commitment...

Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, Shane Ross T.D. expressed deep concern at the news this morning that there has been an incident involving a Search and Rescue...

