Category Index

The Annual Commemoration of Daniel O Connell, the Liberator, 1775 - 1847, will take place on Sunday 20 May, 2012 at 12 noon at the O’Connell...

Joan Burton TD, Minister for Social Protection, today (Friday May 18th, 2012), welcomed the announcement that IBM is to create several hundred new jobs...

Minister of State for Trade and Development, Mr. Joe Costello T.D., has welcomed Ireland’s latest merchandise trade figures, released by the CSO...

I thank Deputy Ó Caoláin for raising this issue in the House today, on the anniversary of the savage and barbaric bombings in Dublin and Monaghan and...

Frances Fitzgerald TD., Minister for Children and Youth Affairs has today confirmed that the HSE is recruiting 57 social workers to fill recent vacancies...

Education Minister Ruairi Quinn today opened an Anti-Bullying Forum at the Department of Education and Skills, to explore ways to tackle the problem of...

In welcoming the report from the Health Information and Quality Authority into the services provided to patients in the Emergency Department at Tallaght...

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am delighted to be here this morning for the official opening of Merit Medical Ireland’s new facility ‘Merit Vision’...

Reform of the State’s five employment rights and industrial relations bodies is delivering real results, including the elimination of the backlog for Rights...

The Fine Gael/Labour Party partnership government was given a strong mandate by the Irish people just 14 months ago. Since then, we have worked...

