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President Barack Obama today visited Moneygall, County Offaly as part of his state visit to Ireland....

The Taoiseach's special guests included a civil servant, a fireman, a garda, a soldier, a teacher and a nurse. The Taoiseach extended this invitation as a gesture of appreciation to all of the thousands of public servants who worked to make the visits of Queen Elizabeth and President Obama...

I was saddened to learn of the untimely death of the Russian Federation’s Ambassador to Ireland, H.E. Mikhail E. Timoshkin. Since his arrival in Ireland in 2006, Ambassador Timoshkin worked to strengthen the ties between our two countries and peoples. In particular I would like to pay tribute to the key role he played in the President’s visit to Russia in September last year....

Minister for Transport, Tourism & Sport Leo Varadkar has backed efforts to make President Obama’s visit to Ireland one of the most globally talked-about subjects on Twitter. This Irish-based initiative is today (Monday) hoping to get the world talking about the President’s visit, by encouraging Twitter users to use the #IRLday hashtag whenever they tweet....

Monday 23rd May 2011 Taoiseach Enda Kenny today greeted President Barack Obama at Farmleigh in Dublin...

The Taoiseach Enda Kenny T.D. has congratulated Leinster on their magnificent victory in Cardiff this evening. ...

20th May 2011 On the final day of her state visit, Her Majest Queen Elizabeth II left Dublin and attended a number of events. The photos below will illustrate her day...

An online book of condolences for former Taoiseach Dr. Garret FitzGerald is available at the link below...

The Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Frances Fitzgerald, T.D has decided to broaden the membership of the Oversight Group on the Implementation of the Ryan Report to include the voices...

Mr. Jimmy Deenihan T.D., Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht today (20 May 2011) officially started the BioBlitz 2011 at Killarney National Park, Co Kerry. The event also marked the...

