Category Index

Enterprise Minister Richard Bruton TD today welcomed the latest NCB Purchasing Managers Index, published this morning and showing growth in manufacturing hitting its second highest level in eleven years...

The Taoiseach, Mr Enda Kenny TD, has issued the following statement on the death of Osama Bin Laden....

Minister for Justice Equality and Defence Alan Shatter commended the Defence Forces for their contribution to the fire fighting efforts in the North West of the country yesterday. The Defence Forces responded to a request...

Transport Minister Leo Varadkar is asking members of the public and interested parties to send in their views on his plan to merge the National Roads Authority (NRA) and the Railway Procurement Agency (RPA)...

The Minister for Finance, Michael Noonan, TD, today welcomed the announcement of a move by the Board of the Irish League of Credit Unions to engage with the Central Bank of Ireland in the stablishment of a new statutory stabilisation / resolution...

I understand that the discussions over the past few days have been very engaging and insightful. There are huge decisions to make in the coming years on energy policy that will have a lasting impact on our country...

Following the publishing today by the CSO of crime figures for the first quarter of 2011, Justice Minister Alan Shatter welcomed the decrease in 10 out of 14 crime groups compared with the same quarter in 2010...

The Central Statistics Office today published the recorded crime statistics for the first quarter of 2011. Speaking on publication, the Minister for Justice and Equality and...

"Taking just two minutes to check the battery in a smoke alarm could save lives. Working Smoke Alarms save lives, pure and simple. So during this bank holiday weekend..."

Agriculture Minister Simon Coveney today described the initial presentation from the EU Commission of its impact assessment of a Free Trade Agreement with the capital MERCOSUR group of South American...

