Category Index

"With the Easter and Mayday holidays overlapping and with a large number of major sporting and cultural events occurring, there will be a very high level of commuting taking place across the country...

H.M. Queen Elizabeth II accompanied by H.R.H. The Duke of Edinburgh will pay a State visit to Ireland at the invitation of President Mary McAleese. The visit will take place from Tuesday 17 to Friday 20 May 2011...

The Dáil has passed significant new road safety laws which make it compulsory for Gardaí to conduct a breath test at any road collision where someone has been injured. Also drivers, who in the opinion...

The Dáil has today (Wednesday) passed significant new road safety laws which make it compulsory for Gardaí to conduct a breath test at any road collision where someone has been injured. Also, drivers...

At the outset I would like to thank Deputies for their considered and useful contributions to this debate. I would also like to thank Mr. Nyberg for his extensive and in-depth analysis of the crisis...

From today [Wednesday], Ireland joins other E.U. countries, such as Finland, Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium by offering an Enterprise Exchange Programme for new entrepreneurs...

The Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Mr. Brendan Howlin, today welcomed the publication of the Report of the Review Group on State Assets and Liabilities. The Minister stated...

Wednesday 21st of April 2011 Taoiseach Enda Kenny today met with some participants in the Job Shadow Initiative at Government Buildings. The Initiative, which is organised by the Irish Association of Supported Employment (IASE) gives people with...

"It defies belief that at a time when our banks were on public life support as a consequence of bad management, flawed judgements and indefensible practices that a retirement package to the reported value of €3 million could...

