
Addressing the ICT skills gap will be a crucial part of the EU’s employment strategy, given projections that there could be up to 700,000 unfilled vacancies in the EU by 2015, the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation...

Communications Minister Pat Rabbitte announced today that his Department has launched a tender for experts to assist in the design, planning and procurement of a State-led investment in high speed broadband, as envisaged in the Government’s...

The Minister for Communications, Pat Rabbitte, T.D. announced today that his Department has launched a tender for experts to assist in the design, planning and procurement of a State-led investment in high speed broadband, as envisaged in the...

Minister for Communications, Energy & Natural Resources, Pat Rabbitte, T.D., today warmly welcomed what is the first agreement under the Irish Presidency He said that agreement had been reached on a renewed mandate for the workings of...

Speaking at Trinity College this morning, Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, Pat Rabbitte, outlined his focus for Ireland’s Presidency of the EU. “In simple terms, under Ireland’s Presidency Irish citizens must...

The Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, Mr Pat Rabbitte, T.D., has congratulated the Chairman of ComReg, Mr Alex Chisholm, on his new role, announced today, as Chief Executive of the UK Competition and Markets...

Brussels Thursday 20 December. The Minister for Communications, Pat Rabbitte T.D. today welcomed CSO figures showing that 81% of homes...

17th December 2012 Communications Minister Pat Rabbitte today announced that the renowned film maker...

The Minister for Communications, Pat Rabbitte T.D., today announced that the renowned film maker and committed digital enthusiast, David Puttnam, would take on the new role of Digital Champion for Ireland...

I am delighted to be with you all here at the Science Gallery this morning at this important event that combines two positive powerful and influential forces – youth work and digital media. When I was a youth the digital world and all the wonderful...

