Crime & Justice

Thank you Mr. President / Mr. Vice President. I am very happy to be here with you as part of this dialogue and apologies that I was unavoidably delayed in Dublin this morning on urgent Government business...

The O’Higgins Commission of Investigation today presented its final report to the Minister for Justice and Equality, Frances Fitzgerald, TD...

The consequences and implications of Justice Moriarty's judgement have been the subject of lengthy and detailed consultation between the Department and the Offices of the Attorney General...

Signing the rules of court for the second Special Criminal Court, the Minister for Justice and Equality Frances Fitzgerald TD today confirmed that all the necessary practical and procedural work to enable the second Special...

Section 99 of the Criminal Justice Act, 2006 enshrined in statute the power to suspend a sentence and provides for the re-activation of a suspended sentence in the event of the commission of another offence by a person who is subject to a suspended sentence...

Following todays vote in the European Parliament, the Minister for Justice and Equality, Ms. Frances Fitzgerald, T.D., welcomes its approval of the proposed EU Passenger Name Records (PNR) Directive. The PNR Directive will establish a European framework for the collection and use of PNR data by law enforcement agencies for the purposes of combatting terrorism and serious crime...

Following the publication today of the of the CSO recorded crime statistics for the fourth quarter of 2015, the Minister for Justice and Equality Frances Fitzgerald TD paid tribute to An Garda Síochána’s determined and robust...

The Minister for Justice and Equality Frances Fitzgerald TD today attended an extraordinary meeting of the Justice and Home Affairs Committee being held in response to Tuesday’s terrorist attacks in Brussels...

Commenting on the terror attacks today in Brussels Minister Fitzgerald said...

‘I have learned with great regret that Adrian Ismay, an officer of the Northern Ireland Prison Service, who was the victim of a bomb attack last week has died today. This is a tragic time for his family and friends and, indeed, his colleagues in the Northern Ireland Prison Service...

