
I wish to make the following announcement to the house. The Government has been committed to reviewing the arrangements that were put in place to capitalise IBRC - formerly Anglo Irish Bank and Irish...

The Irish Government will work with a range of Telecoms companies to ensure a nationwide roll out of fast Broadband over the next three years. This will be the single most important investment needed...

Energy Minister, Pat Rabbitte, welcomes the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding on offshore renewable energy research cooperation with the...

Analysis by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) of the economic and enterprise benefits of the sustainable energy sector, states that over 20,000 jobs can be created within the sector over...

"Spectacular Pace of Growth and Development Offer Irish Companies Countless Opportunities to Partner with Chinese Counterparts"...

A new €30 million fund for important sports capital projects has been launched today by Minister of State for Tourism and Sport Michael Ring TD...

I thank the Deputy for putting forward this important Bill. Before I talk about the specifics of the Bill I would like to first emphasise the important role played by the Financial Services Ombudsman....

Jobs Enterprise and Innovation Minister Richard Bruton today signed a memorandum of understanding in Beijing on Ireland-China Science and...

Richard Bruton T.D, Minister for Jobs Enterprise and Innovation today (Tuesday) in Beijing signed a memorandum of understanding on Ireland-China Science and Innovation Cooperation with...

The Minister for Trade and Development, Joe Costello T.D., is leading an Enterprise Ireland trade mission of 25 companies to Turkey to boost trade between the two counties. The visit, which starts...

