
The Minister for Finance, Michael Noonan T.D. has today published the Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman Bill 2017, Explanatory Memorandum and the Regulatory Impact...

The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Mary Mitchell O’Connor, today announced the publication of the responses received by her Department to the recent public consultation...

Prime Minister Trudeau, Ambassadors, distinguished guests. Madames et Messieurs. I’m honoured to be here with you in Montreal. Thank you for inviting me...

The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Mary Mitchell O’Connor TD, has today published the findings of a survey of 1,045 SME business owners which was conducted in January...

Today’s Exchequer Returns show that to end-April 2017 the Exchequer recorded a deficit of €2,537 million, compared to a deficit of €1,055 million in the same period last year...

The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Mary Mitchell O’Connor TD today (Wednesday) welcomed the Monthly Unemployment figures for April published by the...

Today, the Government approved draft legislative proposals brought forward by the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Mary Mitchell O’Connor TD, and the Minister...

A major new report on Irish non-profits was launched today by Mr Paschal Donohoe TD, Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform. Using public data derived from more than 8,000...

The Expert Group on Future Skills Needs (EGFSN) welcomes the establishment of the new National Skills Council (NSC). This is the final step in the establishment of a new national skills...

Jobs Minister Mary Mitchell O’Connor today officially launched Ireland’s National Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition. The initiative forms part of the Skills Agenda for Europe which...

