
Today’s Quarterly National Household Survey published by the CSO shows that the Irish economy continues to generate significant jobs growth and that the Action Plan for Jobs...

Commenting on the upgrade to A3 by Moody’s of Ireland’s sovereign rating, Minister for Finance Michael Noonan T.D. said...

Today ( Friday 13 May ) Minister for Jobs Enterprise and Innovation, Mary Mitchell O Connor, T.D., will attend the EU Council of Trade Ministers in Brussels where she will meet EU Trade Commissioner Cecelia Malmstrom and hold a bilateral meeting with her UK counterpart Lord Price, also newly appointed as Minister for Trade and Investment ...

Commenting on the NTMA’s auction of 6 year bonds, Minister for Finance Michael Noonan T.D. said...

Silicon Valley Bank today announced a continued collaborative relationship with the Ireland Strategic Investment Fund...

Commenting on the details of the AIB interest rate decision, Minister Noonan stated...

The Minister for Business and Employment Ged Nash TD has welcomed new unemployment figures published today which show that unemployment is continuing to fall...

The document sets out the Government’s macroeconomic and fiscal forecasts for the period 2016-2021. The Government is adopting a less stringent Medium Term Budgetary Objective – our target will be to achieve structural deficit of -0.5 per cent of GDP...

In Budget 2016, Finance Minister Michael Noonan announced that having reviewed the film tax credit, the cap on eligible expenditure per project would be increased from €50 million to €70 million...

