
The Minister for Finance, Michael Noonan T.D., today (24/6/2014) congratulated Revenue on their continued success in tackling cigarette smuggling. The Revenue Commissioners seized 32m cigarettes and...

In accordance with its Terms of Reference, the Panel wrote to EirGrid on 7 May 2014 requesting EirGrid to undertake comprehensive, route specific studies/reports of fully undergrounded and overhead options...

Jobs Minister Richard Bruton today departs on a 5-day, 3-city trade and investment mission to China and Korea, jointly organised by Enterprise Ireland and IDA Ireland. This is Minister Bruton’s 21st trade/investment mission since taking office 40 months...

The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton TD, today (Saturday) departs on a 5-day, 3-city trade and investment mission to China and Korea, jointly organised by Enterprise Ireland and IDA Ireland...

Minister for Energy, Pat Rabbitte T.D., today signed into effect the Order which changes the name of Bord Gáis Eireann (BGÉ) to Ervia. Last December the Government approved a change of name for BGÉ and Bord Gais Networks to reflect the new mandate for the company...

The Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Mr Brendan Howlin T.D. today published the Registration of Lobbying Bill 2014...

A comprehensive trade and investment agreement between the EU and the US could lead...

A new bedrock geology map of the island of Ireland is published today by the Geological Survey of Ireland in collaboration...

The Government has today welcomed the report from the National Economic and Social Council, ‘Jobless Households: An Exploration of the Issue...

The Minister for Natural Resources Fergus O’Dowd today announced the details of the 2015 Atlantic Margin Oil and Gas Exploration Licensing Round....

