
The Department confirms that it has received an invitation from Anna Perry, Chair of the Teachers Conciliation Council (TCC) and Director of...

The Department of Education and Skills held further discussions with the ASTI today. This follows on from meetings earlier this week and last week...

The Department of Education and Skills held discussions with the ASTI this week and last week in relation to issues of concern. Following a planned meeting of the ASTI’s Standing Committee today...

The Department of Education and Skills held discussions with the ASTI today in relation to issues of concern. These discussions have now been adjourned for the evening...

The Minister for Education and Skills, Richard Bruton TD, has today (Wednesday) commenced the remaining sections of the Teaching Council (Amendment) Act 2015 (the 2015 Act)...

The Department of Education and Skills held discussions with the ASTI today in relation to issues of concern. This follows on from a previous meetings between the Department and the ASTI last week...

The Department of Education and Skills held discussions with the ASTI today in relation to issues of concern. This follows on from a previous meeting between the Department and the...

The Department of Education and Skills held discussions with the ASTI today in relation to junior cycle reform. It was agreed that a further meeting would be held next Tuesday 1st November...

Education Minister Richard Bruton was on hand today to help BT Ireland announce a record number of entries for the BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition...

The Minister for Education and Skills, Mr. Richard Bruton TD, and the Vice-President of the European Investment Bank, Mr. Andrew Mc Dowell, today signed a long term loan agreement...

