
I should like to thank the Committee for this opportunity to present our priorities in the transport and tourism sector for the Presidency. Firstly, let me congratulate my Cypriot colleague, Efthemious, for the significant progress he and his team made...

Minister for European Affairs, Lucinda Creighton is hosting a meeting of the 27 Ministers for European Affairs, plus Croatia, in Dublin today.

Minister Creighton calls for rededication of Europe to its citizens, given that only 33% feel their voice counts in the EU . Dublin meeting to also discuss EU enlargement...

EU Commissioner Michel Barnier will address 2013 Corporate Governance Conference ‘Actions for Better Business’ in Dublin in May As part of Ireland’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union for the first half of 2013, the 12th European Corporate Governance and...

EU Ministers discussed priorities in the Justice area as the Informal Justice and Home Affairs meeting concluded in Dublin today...

The Minister for Justice, Equality, and Defence, Alan Shatter TD, today signed, on behalf of the Irish Government, a Bilateral Agreement between the Government of Ireland and the Government of Romania on cooperation in combating serious crime... is a key Irish Presidency resource which is the primary source of the latest Presidency news, with a flow of up to date reporting and feature articles...

President of the European Parliament, President of the European Commission, Distinguished leaders of the political groups, Members of the European Parliament...

Thank you Dr Walhers for your kind words of welcome. I want to thank all of you for being here today. I also want to thank Dr Joachim Pfeiffer for participating in this event; I look forward to our discussion a little later...

Minister Creighton visited Berlin today for consultations on EU issues with her German counterpart, Minister for Europe, Michael Link. The two Ministers will have a bilateral meeting this afternoon followed by a working dinner which will be joined by...

