
Luxembourg’s Foreign Minister, Jean Asselborn, is in Dublin today at the invitation of Foreign Affairs Minister Charlie Flanagan...

Thank you Scott for the warm welcome, and my thanks to the Ambassador for his words of introduction...

Luxembourg’s Foreign Minister, Jean Asselborn, is in Dublin today (Friday) at the invitation of the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Charlie Flanagan TD. The Ministers will have...

The Taoiseach will travel to Cardiff on Friday evening where he will meet with Welsh First Minister, Carwyn Jones for a bilateral engagement in advance of the triggering of Article 50 by the...

The Minister for Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government Simon Coveney TD, will represent the Government at the St. Patrick’s Day events in Ottawa and Toronto this...

The Minister of State for European Affairs, EU Digital Single Market and Data Protection, Dara Murphy T.D., will meet this afternoon with Belgium’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister...

"I met this afternoon with the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland and with four of the Northern Ireland political parties. In these discussions, I was encouraged by the willingness of all...

An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny TD; Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Charlie Flanagan TD; Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Mary Mitchell O’Connor TD; and Minister for...

Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Charlie Flanagan T.D., today marked International Women’s Day by calling for continued efforts in the bid to achieve gender equality across...

Taoiseach, Enda Kenny, Foreign Affairs Minister Charlie Flanagan, Jobs Minister Mary Mitchell O'Connor and Transport......

