
The Taoiseach is in Brussels, today for a series of meetings, as part of his ongoing engagement in relation to Brexit...

The Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Charlie Flanagan T.D. and Minister of State for the Diaspora and International Development, Joe McHugh T.D. today announced €2.2 million...

The Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Charlie Flanagan TD, will hold talks tomorrow (Thursday) at Iveagh House with the Speaker of the German Bundestag, Prof. Dr Norbert Lammert...

Minister of State for the Diaspora and Overseas Development Aid Joe McHugh T.D is visiting London to hold a series of engagements with the Irish Community, Business leaders...

Minister of State for the Diaspora and Overseas Development Aid Joe McHugh T.D travelled to London today for a series of engagements with the Irish community, including the business...

The Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Charlie Flanagan T.D., welcomed UAE Foreign Minister H.H. Sheikh Abdullah to Ireland today. Sheikh Abdullah was visiting Ireland at the...

Minister of State for European Affairs, Dara Murphy TD, today begins a visit to the Slovak Republic, Austria and Hungary. The visit is taking place as part of the Government's programme...

The Taoiseach and the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Charlie Flanagan T.D., today co-hosted the government's second plenary meeting of the All-Island Civic Dialogue...

The French Foreign Minister, Jean Marc Ayrault will visit Ireland on Wednesday, 22 February at the invitation of the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Charlie Flanagan...

The Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Mr Charles Flanagan, TD, has welcomed the decision by the US authorities, as conveyed by the US State Department to the Embassy of Ireland...

